Saturday, September 29, 2018

Second blog


Hello readers, for the second blog it's still about Name. This discussion is about the naming tradition. Do you know ? Each country has a difference in its naming tradition. Now if you want to know, don't pass it, read it.

First, the Korean state. the names of the Koreans still hold the clan tightly. Most Korean names consist of 3 syllables and the other small parts consist of 2 syllables. The family name (clan) is placed in front, then followed by the name of the parents. Korean women who were married, their names did not change following the husband's surname, but remained the same as the original name of the parents.
Women's name: Hyo Rin
Male name: Kang Tae-Yeoung
After marrying his wife's name remains Hyo Rin, unchanged and not wearing her husband's clan.

Second, the country of Mexico. In Mexico, the naming tradition is quite difficult to understand for ordinary people, for married women they will use their maiden name and the name will be added with the husband's name after the word de.
Name of woman: Maria Selena
Male name: Branden Gonzalez
Then after marrying the woman's name changes to Maria de Gonzales Selena, and for her child an example is named Jonah then becomes Yunus Selena Gonzalez.

This is the final part, just a little careful information in calling someone who is in various countries, because they have different naming traditions. See you on the next blog. Thank you

Saturday, September 22, 2018

A Name Means Something Valuable


For a Muslim, name is both prayer and hope. Naming a child means that we give an initial image of a child who one day is expected to manifest itself as a person in accordance with the meaning contained in his name. On the other hand, names can also be a means for children to understand how other people or the environment perceive their figure.

If I become a parent and can give a name to my child, if a man I will give the name "Khandra Alfa Omera" a man who gives a lot of inspiration for life. Khandra (Sanskrit) means Light. Alfa (Arabic) means Seribu, Omera (Islami) means Inspiration. And if a woman I will give the name "Shiva Nazneen Ruqaya" beautiful girls who have softness of heart and are always admired by many people. Shiva (Persia) means Enchanting. Nazneen (Islami) means Beautiful. Ruqaya (Islami) means Soft, the name of the daughter of the Prophet Muhammad.  besides the Islamic name, I also have a favorite name from England for men I will name "Rodney mckay" this name was inspired by a film called "Stargate Atlantis" here Rodney mckay is a very smart science scientist so I like that name and for the girl's name I like the name "Ariana" in my opinion the name Ariana is beautiful, and this is the name of my idol, who else if not Ariana Grande.

Too cool dreaming for the future so forget that you don't know my name, my name is "Shelfi Dza Shafira" my name is not given by my parents but my name was given by a mubaligh who used to be a famous missionary in Karawang even outside Karawang. Surely now you're thinking why isn't my parents giving names? Because my parents used to want to have a child who would later become a missionary, this was the reason why my parents asked a missionary's name. According to my father the meaning of my name is something very valuable that was born in the month of the month.

If I am given the opportunity to change my name, I want to change my name to "Shanum" which means close to God. Only one name but the meaning is extraordinary. But with my name now I like to be grateful because I have been given a name that has a beautiful meaning. I hope I can always be something valuable as my name means. thank you for reading to the end. I hope I can become something of value to you 😊

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